RHODaS next events

Events on electric vehicles and green mobility

Torino, Italy
Event dates: 1st - 4th September 2024
Organizer: Symposium Srl

ICEM, the reference International Conference for Electrical Machines specialists from industry and academia, has been held every two years since 1974. The 26th and 50th anniversary edition will take place on campus at Politecnico di Torino, Turin/ Italy, on September 1-4, 2024. Papers presented during ICEM 2024 will be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The aim of the conference is to give an up-to-date picture of the research field on electrical machines. Contributions from experts around the world will cover a wide range of topics. The conference program will include plenary lectures, symposia, selected oral and poster presentations.

Darmstadt, Germany
Event dates: 2nd – 6th September 2024
Organizer: IEEE Power Electronics Society

Power electronics is one of the key technologies to tackle the key challenges of mankind: climate change and sustainability. Therefore, we will move into an electric age, where more and more processes will be electrified, and the use of renewable energy will be the fundament of our future energy backbone. The ECCE series of power electronics conferences are among the largest in the world, and ECCE Europe claims to become the flagship conference in Europe for power electronics, attracting many hundred experts from Europe and other regions of the world.

Nancy, France
Event dates: 18th – 20th November 2024
Organizer: IEEE Power Electronics Society

ICECS (International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems) is an international conference dedicated to circuits and systems. The congress is an annual event designed to bring together industrial players and academics, to communicate on the latest advances in the discipline and to encourage exchanges on current issues.

Naples, Italy
Event dates: 26th – 29th November 2024
Organizer: IEEE Power Electronics Society

The Conference hot topic will be Greener Electrified Transportation. The aim of the Conference is to promote a forum where people involved with transportation electrical systems problems may compare their experiences and present solutions found for actual and further requirements.